The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has developed a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan template for use in developing a new SPCC Plan or for revising an existing SPCC Plan. If an SPCC Plan is current and accurately reflects the petroleum product equipment and facility infrastructure, it is not necessary to prepare a new SPCC Plan. Facility Managers may elect to convert the existing Plan to the new Plan format, but the assistance of the Region (the Regional Engineer (REN) or Regional Environmental Compliance Coordinator (RECC), as appropriate) is required, and the Plan date will remain the same as the old Plan.
The Division of Engineering maintains a link to the Service’s SPCC Plan template on the intranet. The template is in MS Word format, and should be used as the official Service SPCC Plan. It meets all Steel Tank Institute SP-001 Standards, the 40 CFR 112 regulations, and the sequence requirements 1 , and includes instructions that are color-coded throughout the document to help you determine the type of information required. Delete the color-coded instructions after entering the information.
The color codes for the instructions in the SPCC Plan template are:
RED: This information is specific and the red text should be replaced with the requested information. Change the red font to black when you are satisfied that the information is complete.
For example, the cover page asks for the facility name and location information in red.
BLUE: This information may be optional, depending on the equipment present, the state or local regulations, or the applicability of the information to your operations.
For example, the cross-reference guide on page i contains a “State and Local Requirements” section in blue. If there are no state or local requirements that apply, then these portions of the Plan can be deleted.
GREEN: This is information that is provided as an example. Always delete the green text in the final Plan.
For example, in Section 2.1.1, Location, green text provides an example of the information required.
You may also get a copy of the template by contacting your RECC.
1 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires that the Plan follow the sequence of requirements in 40 CFR or provide a crosswalk between the 40 CFR sequence and the location of the provisions in the Plan. This allows an inspector to quickly follow the Plan to determine compliance. The Service has followed the sequence and provided a crosswalk.