Please follow the links below to the relevant course to find out more about our fees.

What types of courses can I apply for?

IDSA offers part-time actor training, and is an alternative to a full-time drama school. You can choose to apply for IDSA Online (open to actors worldwide) or the IDSA In-Person Course based at our London, Los Angeles and Manchester branches.

How long are IDSA courses?

Unlike full-time drama schools where you have to commit to 3 years of training, IDSA offers ongoing training and runs on a term-by-term basis. Students have the flexibility to stay for as long as they like but the average time for a student to train with IDSA is 2-4 years and we believe this is down to the consistency and quality of training available for actors.

How many classes will I attend?

Students will attend two classes per week (six hours per week), for a 12-week semester. There are three semesters in the year: Spring, Summer and Autumn.

To get the most out of IDSA training, we would expect students to train for a minimum of 3 years. However, you have the flexibility to attend for as many semesters (terms) as you wish.

What is the Fresher Course?

Irrespective of previous experience, fresher students ages 21+ who are successful in their audition are automatically placed onto the two-term Fresher Course. In the first semester, students work on developing and mastering the major techniques that will be required throughout their training. Then in the second semester, students get the opportunity to put their work into practice in their In-House Presentation (IHP) which is presented to the faculty. After the IHP performance, fresher students have the chance to potentially move up or down a tier level or stay the same before they join the Adult Core Training Programme (CTP) in their third semester.