Using our Constitution Builder to draft or revise a society’s constitution

Every incorporated society must have a constitution. Your constitution is a document that details how your society will operate.

Here are some examples of the provisions that must be covered:

To help you draft your constitution, we have a 'do-it-yourself' online tool for writing or revising your society’s constitution — the Constitution Builder.

How to use the Constitution Builder

It is free to use the Constitution Builder. Once you finish, we'll send you a draft constitution as a Word document that you can then review with your members.

You may need professional advice to finalise your constitution

You can use this tool to produce a draft document that contains most of the content required in a constitution. It should not, however, be considered a substitute for expert legal advice. You may choose to seek external advice to help you finalise your constitution. For example, there may be community legal services available to you.

In our tool we have 3 different rule types —

  1. Mandatory rules
  2. Recommended rules
    If you include these rules your society’s constitution will be more comprehensive – many reflect best practice ways of running societies.
  3. Optional rules
    These rules might only suit some societies. You can choose to include these if they are appropriate for how your society will operate.

Information you'll need to get started

There is some information you must have on hand so you can complete the mandatory rules.

Mandatory rules