The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission maintain several public boat ramps on Table Rock Lake. Many of the larger resorts on the lake also keep boat ramps. Some of these areas allow on-shore fishing, but paying special attention to any regulations or restrictions when fishing around boat ramps, docks, and marinas is advisable.
The Public Ramps and directions to each from Branson, MO, are listed below:
Cricket Creek: Located on the east side of Long Creek. Take HWY 65 SOUTH into Arkansas to HWY 14—Head WEST, approximately 5.6 miles to the end of HWY 14 and the park. You’ll find a two-lane ramp and parking for about 30 rigs. A second ramp is available next to the public swim beach. This area offers picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Long Creek: On the east side of the Long Creek arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 SOUTH to HWY 86 and WEST approximately 4 miles to road 86-50—head about one mile SOUTH to the park. You’ll find a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs. This area offers picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Old 86: On the west side of the Long Creek arm of the lake. Take HWY 65 SOUTH to HWY 86 west, approximately 6.4 miles to UU, and head about two miles NORTH to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs: This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, and restrooms.
Combs Ferry: On the south side of the lake. Take HWY 65 SOUTH to HWY 86 WEST, approximately 8 miles to JJ, NORTH, and about four to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers limited services.
Table Rock State Park: On the east side of the Long Creek arm of the lake just south of the dam, follow either HWY 165 or 265 north from HWY65 or south from HWY 76 to the park west side of the HWY. A five-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 60 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Dewey Short Visitor Center: On the east side of the Long Creek arm adjacent to the dam. Take HWY 165 or 265 north from HWY 65 or south from HWY 76 to the park on the west side of the HWY. There is limited shore fishing access from the garden, NO BOAT RAMP. This area offers; picnic areas, limited shore fishing access, a visitor center, and restrooms.
Moonshine Beach: On the east side of the Long Creek arm of the lake just north of the dam; Take either HWY 165 or 265 north from HWY 65 or south from HWY 76 to the park on the west side of the HWY. A four-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a swimming beach, and restrooms.
Indian Point: On the north side of the lake near the mouth of North Indian Creek, Take HWY 76 west to Indian Point Road (Silver Dollar City), approximately four miles south of the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 50 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Cow Creek: On the south side of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86, west to approximately 12 miles to 86-10 road, and north about and one-half miles. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 30 rigs: This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, and restrooms.
Highway 13: On the north side of the lake, Take HWY 76 west to Branson West and HWY 13 south to Kimberling City east three-quarters of a mile on Lake road to the park—a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs. Additional concrete ramps and parking are available at the campground for campers only and on Schooner creek. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Mill Creek: On the south side of the lake, Take HWY 76 west to Branson West and HWY 13, south through Kimberling City, approximately two miles south of the bridge, and head west on RB to park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, showers, and restrooms.
Joe Bald: On the north side of the lake, Take HWY 76 west to Branson West and HWY 13, south to James River road, west approximately six miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, and restrooms.
Aunts Creek: On the east side of the James River arm of the lake, Take HWY 76 west to Branson West and HWY 13, south to OO, west approximately 2 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs and a one-lane concrete ramp with parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach and showers, and restrooms.
Cape Fair: On the west side of the James River arm of the lake, Take HWY 76 through Branson West to Cape Fair south on 76-82 road, approximately 2 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs and a one-lane concrete ramp with parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full-service marina.
Baxter: On the south side of the lake in the mouth of Big Indian Creek, Take HWY 76 to Branson West and HWY 13, south through Kimberling City over the bridge, and approximately six miles to Lampe and H, H west to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 30 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Big Indian: On the east side of Big Indian Creek, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 25 miles to HWY 39, north through Shell Knob to H, and east to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers limited services.
Big Bay: On the south side of Big Creek, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 25 miles to HWY 39, north to Shell Knob, to YY east to the park. This area offers a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 20 rigs: picnic areas, and restrooms.
Campbell Point: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 25 miles to HWY 39, north to Shell Knob to YY east, and about 5 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Viney Creek: On the south side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 30 miles to J north through Golden about 7 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, and restrooms.
Big M: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 76 approximately 40 miles west to M, south to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Eagle Rock: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 50 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Holiday Island: On the south side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west approximately 25 miles to ARK 23, south to 187, north to K north to the park. This area offers a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 20 rigs: restrooms, and a full service marina.
Beaver: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west approximately 25 miles to ARK 23, south to 187 over the bridge to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 20 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, and restrooms.
Houseman: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west approximately 25 miles to ARK 23, south to 187 through Beaver to HWY 62 east to Busch, east on the access road to the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Beaver Dam Site: On the north side of the White River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west approximately 25 miles to ARK 23, south to 187 through Beaver to HWY 62/187 east to Beaver dam to access road into the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Viola: On the east side of the Kings River arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west, approximately 25 miles to HWY 39, and north to 39-48 roads to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Kings River: On the east side of the Long Creek arm of the lake, Take HWY 65 south to HWY 86 west approximately 30 miles J, north to Golden, north on RA to Sweetwater Creek to the park. This area offers a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: restrooms.
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission maintain several public boat ramps on Table Rock Lake. Many of the larger resorts on the lake also keep boat ramps. Some of these areas offer on-shore fishing, but it is advisable to pay special attention to any regulations or restrictions when fishing around boat ramps, docks, and marinas.
The Public Ramps and directions to each from Branson, MO, are listed below:
Shadow Rock: On the north side of the lake in Forsyth, MO, Take HWY 76 east to the park. A one-lane ramp and parking for about 20 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, and restrooms.
River Run: On the south side of the lake near Forsyth. Take HWY 76 east to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, and restrooms.
Kissee Mills: On the west side of Beaver Creek, Take HWY 76 east to Forsyth and HWY 160, and follow 160 through Kissee Mills to the park. A one-lane gravel ramp and parking for approximately ten rigs. This area offers limited services.
Beaver Creek: On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 76 east to Forsyth, HWY 160 to Kissee Mills an,d O HWY, and south to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 50 rigs. This area offers picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Highway K (K Dock): On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 76 east HWY K east to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 50 rigs. This area offers picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Woodward: On the south side of the lake. Take HWY 76 east to Forsyth and HWY 160 through Kissee Mills to KK HWY south to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Tucker Hollow: On the south side of the lake. Take HWY 65 south into Arkansas to HWY 14 east to HWY 281 north to park. A four-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 60 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Lead Hill: On the south side of the lake. Take either HWY 65 south into Arkansas to HWY 14 east, to HWY 7 north to the park. A four-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 60 rigs. This area offers picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Buck Creek: On the north side of the lake. Take either HWY 65 north to HWY 160 east to HWY 125 south to the park. Multiple two-lane concrete ramps and parking for approximately 40 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, swimming beach, and restrooms.
Hwy 125: On the south side of the lake. Take HWY 65 south into Arkansas to HWY 14 east to HWY 125 north to the park. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Theodosia: On the west side of the Theodosia Arm of the lake. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160, east to approximately 25 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 50 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Spring Creek: On the east side of the Theodosia Arm of the lake. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160, east approximately 30 miles to HH Hwy south to the park. This area offers a two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 30 rigs: restrooms.
Pontiac: On the east side of the Theodosia Arm of the lake. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160, east approximately 40 miles to HWY 5, south to W HWY west about 7 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Welcome Ridge: On the south side of the lake near the mouth of the Theodosia Arm. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14 east to Welcome Ridge road / CR-801 to Yocum Bend road / CR – 804 to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Oakland: On the north side of the lake in the mouth of the Theodosia Arm. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160, east approximately 40 miles to HWY 5, south to HWY 202 west about 10 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Ozark Isle: On the north side of the lake in the mouth of the Theodosia Arm. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160, east approximately 40 miles to HWY 5, south to HWY 202 west about 10 miles to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for about 40 rigs: this area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, a swimming beach, and restrooms. Note: This area is closed from November 1 – March 31.
CCC Access: On the west side of Jimmie Creek. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to CR-850 north to the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Fairview: On the east side of Jimmie Creek. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178, east to Fairview, White Hole Access Road west to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers limited services.
Bull Shoals: On the east side of Jimmie Creek. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178, east to Bull Shoals, west on Shorecrest, and south on the west to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Point Return: On the south side of the lake near the dam. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178 east into Bull Shoals north on Browns Beach road to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, and restrooms.
Dam Site: On the south side of the lake adjacent to the dam. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178, and east through Bull Shoals to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, and restrooms.
Lakeview / Bull Shoals Park: On the north side of the lake near the dam. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178, and east over the barrier to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 30 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, a tent and trailer campground, swimming beach, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Howard Creek: On the east side Jimmie Creek. Take HWY 65 into Arkansas and HWY 14, east to HWY 202, east to HWY 178 east to over the dam, and into Lakeview, west on Howard Creek road to the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers limited services.
The Missouri Department of Conservation and local municipalities maintain little boat ramps on Lake Taneycomo. While several resorts keep ramps as well, they are generally for the use of their guests only. Shore fishing is also available at these locations, offering either bank, pier, or wading access.
The Public Ramps and directions to each from Branson, MO, are listed below:
Shepherd of the Hills: Located directly below the Table Rock dam adjacent to the Shepard of the Hills fish hatchery. Take HWY 165 to Hatchery road and the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers; picnic areas, hatchery tours, and restrooms.
Cooper Creek: On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 76 to Fall Creek road, west to Cooper Creek road south to the park. A two-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs. This area offers; a fishing dock and restrooms.
Branson RV Park: On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 76 to Branson Landing road to the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers; fishing dock, trailer camping, showers, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Rockaway Beach: On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 65 north to HWY F, east to HWY 176, Rockaway Beach, and the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 20 rigs. This area offers; a fishing dock, restrooms, and a full service marina.
Empire Park: On the north side of the lake. Take HWY 65 north to HWY 160 east to Forsyth and Y HWY south to the park. A one-lane concrete ramp and parking for approximately 40 rigs. This area offers; a picnic area, a fishing dock, and restrooms.